Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 1, 2012

CityVille Sam Reports / Sam n' Paul's Chat Quests: Everything you need to know

Zynga has released a new quest series to CityVille surrounding Samantha, and her quest to interview the main characters in the game. To unlock this quest line in your game, you will have needed to complete the Dr. Sheperd and Louise romance quest line, ending with the quest called "Even More L'Amour," which sees you sending the couple to Paris. The first two quests in this new series are called Sam Reports and Sam n' Paul's Chat. Sam Reports is a quest about Ruth, but it may not seem like that directly. You'll be charged with making Ruth's museum exhibit one to behold. There are three tasks required to complete it:

Have a Museum
Collect from Community Buildings 5 Times
Place 1 Pink Flowers

The Pink Flowers is the prize you'll receive for turning into the Forever Young Collection, which is completed by collecting from the Cosmetics Store. Meanwhile, most of you likely already have a Museum by this point, so this step should be completed for you. Once you complete this quest, you'll receive 200 coins.

Once you finish this quest for Ruth, you'll move onto a quest called Sam n' Paul's Chat. Meet us behind the break for all of the details about that quest. and how to complete it.
For Sam n' Paul's Chat, you'll move onto speaking with the in-game carpenter, that appears each time you want to chop a tree in your town (normally after purchasing an expansion). However, it seems as though Zynga might not have thought this one through, or they simply want it to be extremely expensive to accomplish. There are two tasks here:

Chop 10 Trees in Your Town
Have 3 Strawberry Jams

The Strawberry Jams aren't the troublesome item here, as these as a Strawberry Crop Collection item, earned by simply planting and harvesting strawberries which takes only minutes. The problem is when it comes to chopping the 10 trees. Unless you just so happen to plan on expanded your land (that is, you already have the permits and the coins necessary to do so), or unless you just so happen to have saved trees because you liked the look of them, you'll likely not have a single "choppable" tree in your entire city, forcing you to expand. This will force you to require land permits, and most likely save up coins for the now highly increased price of expanding each time. This also doesn't take into account expansions that may not have ten trees on them, leaving you to expand not just once, but twice to complete this single goal. If there were ever a time to go for the City Cash completion option, this very well might be it.

Whatever you decide, your reward for finishing this quest is 150 Goods. That doesn't seem nearly worth it though. Either way, we'll make sure to bring you more details on the rest of Sam's interviewing quest line as they become available.

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