Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 10, 2011

N4G Explained: A Story Within A Story

Questions, we get a lot of them, and for the ones that achieve some sort of critical mass I thought it would be helpful to post about them for all you information go-getters!*

"A Story Within A Story" is part of our News Guidelines ( ). Here's the relevant bit:
"Sometimes a site does an interview with an industry professional where newsworthy information is revealed deep inside the interview. Other websites often create separate news stories focusing on specific bits of information that are of special interest to their readers. Even if the original interview is already posted it is ok to also post these side stories if the original post did not focus on this newsworthy information."
The first criteria is that it be revealed "deep inside the interview". This means it probably shouldn't be on the first page of the interview, and definitely shouldn't be included in the summary for the interview - the one at the source or on N4G. Don't think about just the title, think about the information in the interview, what the questions are, and how the answers relate. Think about the N4G reader, because that's what the Mods and Admins are thinking about when they review a submission.

Next up, "separate news stories focusing on specific bits of information that are of special interest to their readers". Think in terms of interviews with celebrities that go on and on about their workout routine and the latest awards show but maybe they mention in one question that they're going to be co-starring in the Uncharted movie. That tiny part of the interview is gaming related - the rest? Not so much. Also, think of financial reports or similarly boring things that people discuss around conference tables while drinking bad coffee. If on page three of a financial report from a publisher or game company something interesting or relevant is revealed, that fits the bill.
IMPORTANT: Notice how in this criteria both examples also fit the first and primary criteria - it's buried information. The first criteria should always be met.

"Even if the original interview is already posted" - if that original interview/story/whatever belongs on N4G (doesn't fit the above paragraph), it should already be submitted here. Otherwise your submission is going to get hit with "Wrong Source".
IMPORTANT: Notice how in this criteria it should still fit the first and primary criteria - it's buried information. The first criteria should always be met. Am I sounding redundant yet? :)

And lastly, "if the original post did not focus on this newsworthy information". This is a double whammy - it reminds us again that the original post didn't focus on the information, but it also mentions that the information should be newsworthy. Mainly, it should be timely, significant and relevant to the NewsBoiler site it is on.
IMPORTANT: Yeah, you know...

Stating the obvious for fun: correct sourcing and citation is needed. None of the above is going to fly if you don't give credit where credit is due. This means that on your site you need to be correctly attributing information, and on N4G you should be making use of that "credit URL' field. Also, copy-pasting work without any of your own content or with the bulk of the source material copy-pasted is PLAGIARISM even if you cite the source! We don't like thieves.

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