Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 10, 2011

Top picks for 2011: most anticipated titles?

A extremely solid lineup of multi-platform titles was complemented by strong exclusive titles for both PS3 and Xbox marking 2010 as the most solid year for quality titles on record.

So as the year winds down, time to look forward to 2011's most anticipated titles, and here's my most wanted list:

Post-Apocolyptia from the iD Software- the guys who invented the FPS?! What's not to like? Think Fallout if it were a heavily action oriented FPS with better graphics... and vehicles! Might not be the freshest setting, but when done right it's one we can't have enough of- mutants, wastelands and all forms of human depravity and deviance on display for you to aim a gun at! Bring it on!

Killzone 3
What can I say about this game that hasn't been said already? Starting right from where KZ2 left off, your stranded on Helghan, the ISA army is crushed and the Helghast are in disarray with the death of their leader. It's Sony's next-to-release big note exclusive title, and if the multiplayer beta is anything to go by, it's going to wipe the floor with its predecessor- and probably a lot of other online FPS titles. Sony exclusives have seemed nearly bullet proof this gen and have become synonymous with quality, so expect big things.

LA Noire
Rockstar set to continue to develop their mastery of all things open world and story driven with a post-war American cop story. Who didn't love GTAIV and Red Dead: Redemption? Well expect something along those lines- except this time your enforcing the law, not breaking it. Add to this all the perks of being a detective, as well as Rockstar's amazing ability to create some of gaming's most absorbing environments and you've got a sure fire winner.

Gears of War 3
Gears is my favourite 360 franchise, and I can't help but be excited for the 3rd installment. This series, along with Halo, defines the Xbox, and why? Because it's downright awesome! TPS on steriods, Gears 3 promises to go above and beyond the past two titles in every way, and I can't wait. Big alpha males with massive guns fighting butch muscle hunk aliens resulting in insane brutality- it'll be like a testosterone injection straight to the gonads!

inFamous 2
The first one was great, and the second looks better. Taking cues from the developers of the acclaimed Uncharted series, developers Sucker Punch want to raise the bar for PS3 exclusives, and here's hoping they do (if it gets any higher?)! Free running open world action mixed with electroshock super powers sound good enough for you? It's every geeks wet dream to be Cole, and it's mine to own this game already!

Batman: Arkham City
Arkham Asylum was perhaps the most surprisingly good game of 2009, so the 2011 follow up of Arkham City looks to further develop a successful formula for the caped crusader. From what we know, Arkham City is a lawless walled city where all of Gotham's psychos are dumped to fend for themselves. The Joker seems to have yet another plan up his sleeve, and Batman has to foil it... yet again. Showing the Unreal engine still has guts, Arkham City promises to be the same updated twist on the classic Arcade beat-em-up that the last game was, and I say the more the merrier.

Dead Space 2
Dead Space was perhaps the scariest game I've ever played. In fact, it was the scariest entertainment I've ever experienced. Many times I got too scared to even play it- but the quality of its narrative kept me coming back. Dead Space 2 promises more scares, more twists, and more opportunities to explore an incredibly interesting universe created by EA's Visceral Studios where a strange religious death cult seems to be at the centre of a conspiracy to enable an alien life form to prosper from the their own carcasses- and of those innocents caught in the middle! It's a cool plot line and borrows from many great horror and sci-fi flicks, so look out for this one!

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